EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection)

Gastrointestinal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is a procedure to remove early-stage cancer and precancerous growths from the lining of the digestive tract. Using a flexible, endoscope doctor can remove growths such as upper GI or colon polyps. it is less invasive alternative to surgery for removing abnormal tissues from the the digestive tract.

Who needs EMR?

Doctor uses EMR technique to remove some precancerous and early-stage cancers from the esophagus, stomach, small or large bowel wall like polyps, barrette esophagus. EMR is most effective for tumors that have not yet reached deeper layers of the GI wall and are less than 2 centimeters


For an upper GI tract procedure, do not eat or drink for 12 hours before the procedure to ensure your esophagus, stomach is clear of food products. For a lower GI tract procedure, follow a liquid diet plus a laxative or enema to cleanse the bowel. You may be asked to temporarily stop taking some medications, such as those that affect blood clotting or interfere with sedatives, before the procedure. Also inform doctor about any allergy or current health illness.


The endoscope is passed through your mouth or your anus, depending on the location of the tumor. Intravenous sedation is usually given to relax the patient and cause short-term amnesia. There are a few versions of endoscopic mucosal resection. They are grouped into two general categories: Suction (apply suction to the top of the tumor, further lifting it up and away from other tissue.) or lift (Feed a thin wire rope through the endoscope and placed it around the base of the tumor) method. Both require a surgical cut to remove the abnormal tissue. Tumor tissue retrieved by suction or a specialized retrieval tool through the endoscope. You'll remain in a recovery room until most of the effect of the sedative has worn off.

Side effects

You may feel sore throat, gas, bloating for some time after the procedure. Rarely tear (perforation) in the lining of mucosa can occur during the resection.

 Alternative test/option 

Most patients return home the same day. Because there is no incision, you may recover faster, and with less pain, than from open or laparoscopic surgery.